Stills a weekly collection

1. My Hummingbird cake with cream cheese frosting & crushed walnuts a little treat for the Hubby

2. My balcony after several storms has produced the most beautiful flowers 🌺 

3. Coconut & Chocolate Yoghurt helping soothe my sore throat with a little treat

4. Nothing beats a day off at the beach with coffee what more could you ask for!

5. Thankful for the little things in my life & the people surrounding me I feel so blessed lately with all the good luck I have been given.

Linking up at The Beetle Shack.


  1. The Hummingbird cake looks delicious.
    Coffee and a view. a favourite activity here too. x

  2. Hi Stephanie, visiting for the first time from Em at The Beetle Shack. A trip to the beach is always welcome, something about those waves crashing over and over again..... Lovely photos from your week.
